Felzárkózó Települések

Felzárkózó Települések

The Felzárkózó Települések program, coordinated by the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, was established to support the development of the 300 poorest municipalities in Hungary. When the program launched in 2019, work began in 31 municipalities with 7 organizations. By 2023, the program had expanded to 177 locations with the involvement of 29 implementing organizations, and by 2024, it will reach 300 municipalities. We are honored to contribute to the success of this program through our work.

The development was preceded by a dedicated design project, during which the functional specification and UX/UI designs were created. The renewed WordPress-based portal allows users to track the progress and successes in the participating municipalities, learn about the Hungarian organizations involved in the program, and discover the areas in which they can assist these communities.

One of the main features of the development is the Vue.js-based Map Search, which displays all the municipalities participating in the program on a Google Map. Visitors can filter information by Specialty, Participating Organization, and Region, making it easier to find relevant details.

The Felzárkózó Települések website can be accessed here.

Felzárkózó Települések Felzárkózó Települések